How to know where a process was launched on macOS when the parent is launchd?
Image by Kenroy -

How to know where a process was launched on macOS when the parent is launchd?

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Are you tired of seeing mysterious processes running in the background, wondering where they came from, but with no clear indication of their origin? Well, you’re not alone! Many macOS users have been there, done that, and got the t-shirt. But fear not, dear reader, for today, we’re going to embark on a thrilling adventure to demystify the art of tracking down process launch locations on macOS, specifically when the parent process is the elusive launchd.

What is launchd, you ask?

Launchd, also known as the launch daemon, is a system service on macOS responsible for launching and managing system-level processes, daemons, and agents. It’s like a super-powerful butler that takes care of initiating and maintaining system processes in the background. While it’s a vital component of the macOS ecosystem, its stealthy nature often leaves users wondering where these processes came from.

The Mystery of the Missing Parent Process

When you encounter a process with launchd as its parent process, it can be challenging to determine where it was launched from, as launchd is a system-level service that doesn’t provide explicit information about the process’s origin. This lack of transparency can be frustrating, especially when you’re trying to troubleshoot issues or optimize system performance.

So, how do you find the launch location of a process with launchd as its parent?

Fortunately, there are several ways to uncover the mystery of the missing parent process. In this article, we’ll explore three methods to help you track down the launch location of a process with launchd as its parent.

Method 1: Using the `ps` command with the `-o` flag

The `ps` command is a powerful tool for viewing process information. By using the `-o` flag, you can customize the output to include the `ppid` (parent process ID) and `lstart` (launch time) columns.

ps -o pid,ppid,lstart,command -p 
` with the ID of the process you want to investigate. The output will display the process ID, parent process ID, launch time, and the command used to launch the process. If the parent process ID is 1, it indicates that the process was launched by launchd.

Method 2: Utilizing the `lsof` command

The `lsof` command, short for LiSt Open Files, is another versatile tool that can help you track down the launch location of a process. By using the `-p` flag, you can specify the process ID, and the `-d` flag will display the directories associated with the process.

lsof -p  -d

Method 3: Digging into the process’s environment variables

Every process on macOS has environment variables that contain information about its execution environment. By inspecting these variables, you can sometimes find clues about the process’s launch location. One way to do this is by using the `printenv` command in the Terminal.

printenv _ | grep '_LAUNCH'

Additional Tools and Techniques

In addition to the methods mentioned above, there are other tools and techniques you can use to investigate process launch locations:

  • sysdig: A system troubleshooting tool that can help you capture system calls, including process launches.
  • dtruss: A system call tracing tool that can provide detailed information about process execution, including launch locations.
  • fs_usage: A file system usage tool that can help you monitor system-level file activity, including process launches.

These tools can be used in conjunction with the methods mentioned above to provide a more comprehensive understanding of process launch locations.


Tracking down the launch location of a process with launchd as its parent can be a challenging task, but with the right tools and techniques, you can uncover the mystery behind these processes. By using the methods outlined in this article, you’ll be better equipped to troubleshoot issues, optimize system performance, and gain a deeper understanding of the inner workings of your macOS system.

Method Command Description
Method 1: Using `ps` ps -o pid,ppid,lstart,command -p Displays process information, including parent process ID and launch time.
Method 2: Using `lsof` lsof -p -d Displays directories associated with the process, including launch location.
Method 3: Inspecting environment variables printenv _ | grep '_LAUNCH' Displays environment variables related to process launch, including launch location.

We hope this article has provided you with the knowledge and tools necessary to uncover the secrets of process launch locations on macOS. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility, so use these methods wisely!

Now, go forth and conquer the mysteries of your macOS system!

Here are 5 QnAs about “How to know where a process was launched on macOS when the parent is launchd?” :

Frequently Asked Question

Get to the bottom of mysterious macOS processes with these FAQs!

How can I find the source of a process launched by launchd on macOS?

You can use the `launchctl` command to find the source of a process launched by launchd. Specifically, use the `launchctl list` command to list all the services managed by launchd, and then look for the service that matches the process you’re interested in. You can also use the `launchctl show` command to show detailed information about a specific service.

Is there a way to see the command line arguments used to launch a process by launchd?

Yes, you can use the `launchctl show` command with the `–property` option to see the command line arguments used to launch a process by launchd. For example, `launchctl show –property Command /System/Library/LaunchAgents/com.example.service` will show you the command line arguments used to launch the `com.example.service` service.

Can I use Activity Monitor to find information about a process launched by launchd?

Yes, Activity Monitor can be a useful tool for finding information about a process launched by launchd. Open Activity Monitor, select the process you’re interested in, and then click the “Inspect” button to see detailed information about the process, including its parent process (which should be launchd).

How do I find the launch agent or daemon that launched a process on macOS?

You can use the `lsof` command to find the launch agent or daemon that launched a process on macOS. Specifically, use `lsof -c ` (the command is `lsof` followed by a space and a backtick) to find the launch agent or daemon that launched a process. This will show you the parent process ID, which you can then use to find the corresponding launch agent or daemon.

Are there any third-party tools that can help me troubleshoot launchd-related issues on macOS?

Yes, there are several third-party tools that can help you troubleshoot launchd-related issues on macOS. For example, you can use tools like `launchd-alert` or `launchctl-browse` to browse and manage launch agents and daemons. Additionally, tools like `fs_usage` and `dtruss` can help you troubleshoot file system and system call-related issues related to launchd.